But, we both agreed to push on ahead with the travel plans anyway because we are short on time and there's lots to be seen and done yet! Really looking forward to the south. A whole new experience awaits!
We leave Sunday night to Delhi and then watch James Bond or some other American movie in Delhi -- have to say I could use some American movie culture right about now. And I hear the new Bond movie is a good one. Then on Tuesday afternoon we fly to Bangalore way in the south. Nori got the inside scoop on cheap air tickets so we are able to save some time by flying. Then we'll spend a day or two with the Bangalore boys I met in Leh way up north and then it's off to Kerala! I'm told not to miss the very southern tip of India but not sure if we'll be able to swing that. Then Goa for the beautiful beaches and nightlife and if we have time Rajistan. Well, that's a rough outline of our tentative plan.
To recap: Bangalore -> Kerala -> Goa -> (Rajistan?)
Looking a bit mangy there, Rufus. Bedraggled indeed. Honestly, I'm surprised you've managed to remain healthy so long. Hope it's not leprosy or something.
-- Jack
Keep us posted and hope you beth feel fine and have happy, good travels.
My lung is still in my chest but there were a few moments I thought it was gonna make a violent exit. Slowly getting better, in Bangalore right now. Varun (from Bangalore) was unreasonably hospitable to Nori and I. Thanks again Varun! Now we are off to Mysore to see a splendorific palace and then it's on to Kerala in the deep southwest tip of India. Booglie boo gobbledee goo.
Jake, Hope you feel lots better so you can update the blog!!
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