Saturday, December 02, 2006

Nori panee pouri

Hah! Very kind of you guys to offer but I'd feel a little weird accepting money for the blog. But I'll take your offer as a great compliment to the blog, even if pictures of Nori are perhaps the main attraction.

Well, I suppose I shouldn't hold off on those pictures any longer. Cruel joke I know. :)

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cows hanging out on the ghat.
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Where I live. Across from the Haifa Restaurant.
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Rickshaw wallas playing a Parcheesi like game. I rode one of their bicycle rickshaws this morning just to see what it was like. Was pretty easy and the rickshaw driver who I was giving a ride was very impressed by my driving through the crowded streets.
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Nori rockin the batmitton court. At her house there is a proper court setup with lights.
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Anonymous said...

very cool sunglasses theme.

no doubt you'd give the rickshaw boys some pretty stiff competition. could probably drive em right out of business (sorry for the horrible pun).

keep blogging for blogs sake, and how's the screenplay?


Anonymous said...

no doubt brad pitt had seen the pictures of nori and therefore had to come to india. thanks, jake. we did love the blog even before all the current photos. i'm so impressed with your diving in to life and connecting with everyone. hope you're both healthy.
love from sharon