If you remember this spring we had a little flood. Well, being the Intrepid Dr. Root that I am, I ventured to places where I thought the water would be impressive: Bash Bish Falls. Apparently I wasn't the only adventurous soul in search of ferocious water. I didn't bring my camera but I met a very nice man with his wife taking photos of the falls and he offered to send me copies of the photos. Few people will ever get the opportunity to see the falls the way they were on April 16th. You'll want to click on the images to see them in full size. Remember that in normal conditions, you can walk across the bottom of the falls where there is usually a pool lined with boulders that you can hop from one to another. But here you can see there is no longer even a pool, just a mad torrent of foaming water.

Getting to the falls was a bit of a challenge. I approached from the parking lot above and streams had sprung up everywhere. The creek feeding the bottom of the falls had swelled to a remarkable torrent and I was barely able to cross it by stepping along the metal fence that goes over it where it normally is passable by a small hop over the creek. This was a full on raging river and the bottoms of my feet were nearly being splashed by the rapids. Alas, no pics of the descent to the falls since I didn't have my cam.
The spray from the falls was so bad that you could not go down the steps to take a closer photo. You would be soaking wet in seconds from the tremendous spray pluming outwards with tremendous force.
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