Warner helps Alex use a new experimental pharamone sleep enhancement system during the drive to the village. I guess it worked because Alex slept most of the ride. Alex and Warner are in the Dragons program that Nori was in last year.
Oops... truck flipped over.
We went to a crazy temple that was all cave like. No Balrogs were to be found, though.
The bridge of Khazad Dûm.
Wow, this is like the gabillionth picture of me sticking my head out of a hole.
Not just selling shawls. Anyone want to buy my tent? US$45. So far got an offer for 1500 rupees. Selling it for 2000 though. This is the tent I used on my trek in Manali.
Puppy was interested but failed to meet my asking price.
Should I buy this elephant for 2000 rupees? Let me know if you like it and maybe I can be convinced to buy it!
waterbuffalo nearly runs me over but I got the shot in time.
Why the long faces?
Nori hiding from the camera again
Went for a haircut and shav
Banares is a very busy and crowded city, but space is always made for the waterbuffalo. They rule.
Well, there's there's always more to tell, but that should give you the flavor of my past week. Until next time, this is the Intrepid Dr. Root aka Lost Buddha signing out.
Ohh... one more thing. Not sure what's going on here-- something not quite right about that green lassie I'm drinking....
Warning: images not necessarily in order of events. Confusion may arise from viewing.
Playing batmitton in the street with the locals. I kicked arse.
Hi Jake and Nori,
Today is halloween and it's 70 degrees here! Sitting at the table enjoying the woodpeckers and others at the feeders. Sat. night we lost everything to a bear, but are continuing with daytime birdfeeding. Your trip is about half over. What's still to come? Thanks for the photos and great reporting, jake. It's nice to see what Nori in INdia looks like, even if she's veiled.
Have fun!
Happy Halloween! Beautiful weather today, nice for the wee ones trick-or-treating (I gotta go buy some candy in case they come here). Swell photos, try to get some more of my sister. You're looking dapper with zee shav und haircut, but I recommend some Indian clothes.
jake, what's with the red blob on the forehead? are you a holy man now or did you get scraped on the train door?
Nori and I might do some travelling together. Rajistan and the south (Goa mainly) Hopefully will be doing a buddhist retreat soon and yoga. The dot on my head is from people without much warning coming up to me and putting it there.... I'll try to get more of Nori. She really isn't fond of the camera on her, tho.
Root, you are sweet and we love you. Ana Sofia was a frog for Halloween. When we update check her out. Love you.
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