After the warm welcome at Clark University in Worcester, we drove up to Maine where we spent two days hiking non stop. At one point we had to hitchhike because we came out on the road so far away from the car.
Considering we were three, we got a ride fairly easily. There weren't too many people hiking for good reason. It was cold and the trails still had a lot of ice on them. I nearly broke my neck about two dozen times surfing down the ice. Having the mountains to ourselves was worth it though. And it wasn't as cold as it has been here the passed few days.

We decided this trail (yes, below all that ice somewhere is what is called "The Waterfall Trail") was not passable.

An ice chasm

Oh! Exclaims Dan. Suggest your best caption:

Champaigne on ice.

on top of the mountain

Nori pretending to mind being photographed.

Steve and Isabel join us on the last day.

Isabel is photographed from both sides as the sun burns red through the trees.

Brother and Sister at the top of Cadillac mountain.

A nice picture of the 3 of us, would't ya say?

Still frozen over.

All in all it was an extraordinarily nice time. Mostly because we had the trails and mountains to ourselves, but also the adventurous nature of slip sliding down the trails added to the fun. Unfortunately I forgot my camera cable and couldn't make more room for any videos. But if you wanna see more photos of the weekend, visit Dan's blog update: http://schmolze.com/scalpel/ His website is now password protected because the content of his blog is apparently a threat to the school and to Dan's future prospects as a doctor, so just email him for the password. There are some nice pics up there. dan@schmolze.com